Saturday, August 27, 2011

Conclusions About Montreal

What a wacky place.

The true circus I've experienced here is the people I have met, some of which I have now befriended. But they include and are not limited to: an aspiring woman stand-up comedian, an olympic level ice skater, a pro wrestler, so many professional circus performers, so many climbers, people who run improv music for disabled communities, burlesque dancers, musicians up the wazoo. This is the most eccentric place. Who woulda thunk? Seriously though, I have never seen so many grown men rollerblading to work shirtless while smoking a cigarette!

So what am I really doing in Montreal? Good question. There were two main reasons why I decided to come to Montreal as my first stop on this wild ride. One being Cirque Du Monde, and the other was due to the training in circus technique I could get here myself. The standards of excellence and technique in circus is excessively high here. Everyone is so accomplished. When planning my Watson I realized that I am a complete novice in most things circus, and if I want to participate and not just watch while visiting (and maybe creating) Social Circus sites around the world than I had better brush up what I do know, and get some more skills fast!

Flying trapeze, beginning acrobatics and parkhour, improv, silks, static trapeze, flexibility, pole dancing, more flexibility (my legs hurt!), and a bit of juggling. Phew...its tiring! Also, I am still observing at some schools too. All the while I elected to subscribe to BIXI instead of riding the metro. Its a shared bike system throughout the city. Fortunately every single thing I do in Montreal is nowhere near one another. I spend 2-3 hrs on a bike a day just trying to get from here to there! Aside from trying to take the fast track into learning circus technique I've been reading quite a bit. Its such a relief to be able to read again for pleasure. I also had a little stint at Canadian Nationals for frisbee, and brought the wonderful journal/sketchbook the lovely Lucy Holtsnider helped me make to journal in.

Listening to music, dancing a bit, singing a lot, learning circus, watching circus in action, meeting people, biking, swimming, sleeping. I feel like I am at a summer camp designed for me. The only thing missing are the people who are close to me.

Great news coming about my next destination. There has been a change of plans! After dinner last night with two Social Circus teachers, believers, and advocates I believe I should be headed to Africa. More to come soon as I see whether this plan will be worthwhile. Departure date from Montreal will be around September 9th.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


In the past when I mention I do trapeze people always smile and say, "WOW! So you can fly?" Well the short answer there I normally do single-point trapeze or as it is sometimes called, dance trapeze. It is different from static trapeze and it is also different from flying trapeze. The single-point trapeze can swing and can spin but is often rigged only about 2 yards up from the ground. It requires immense strength and control because all you have is your own strength to lift, bend, and twist around the trapeze. Now, in the circus mecca of Montreal, I am finally learning how to fly! Flying trapeze here I come!

In flying trapeze lessons I am learning it is more about coordination, momentum, and listening than about strength. Even though in performance flying trapeze may seem individual, it is truly a team activity. People on the ground and on the rig are always calling to one another, and the fliers communicate constantly. At its best the teamwork seems like a well oiled machine, catapulting people across the air. 

At Trapezium where I am learning, they are very kind. They are encouraging, but their style of teaching revolves around the idea of: JUST DO IT! They explain what you are supposed to do yes, but only once. Then you just have to try. I like experiential learning so it works just fine for me! There is something freeing about jumping off a ledge and flying through the air. I can feel my posture improving after lessons. I walk taller because I can fly! I'm always happy when I leave.

Before you learn how to do the big swings and release tricks, you have to pass through the lower level tricks. I am still at this level learning knee hang, heels off, straddle whip, and splits. Then after you master the tricks you learn that at the top of your swing you let go and reach for the catcher. My first try at the straddle whip catch I punched the catcher in the face. Whoops! 

And here is my first catch!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Bit of Social Circus

"L’École de cirque de Verdun is a non-profit organization dedicated to the training and development of circus arts. The school acknowledges the universality of circus arts for their privileged contribution to the expression of a better world based on solidarity, mutual aid, and self-accomplishment, where young and old of diverse social, cultural and ethnic environments thrive."

The children sit cross legged, faces painted, hardly able to contain their excitement. Giggles erupt in small spouts from little girls and boys awaiting their moment to shine on the tight rope, trapeze, trampoline and more. It is 30 minutes til show time. Under Pressure is played, which seems ironic to me as I stifle my own giggle, but the kids don't seem to feel any pressure. They sing along in gibberish, as most of them favor French, as they stand beginning to jog in place facing the center of the matted stage area. This old ice rink has been converted into a full circus center. With areas designated for acrobatics, dance, juggling, aerials and the like- the space is an adventure waiting to happen. The counselors and teachers are in the middle demonstrating their warm-ups. They too seem unable to contain their enthusiasm both for this show, and the kids themselves. High knees, frog jumps- the pre-show warm up show has begun. I sit on the stands alone noticing just how different these kids seem from the babbling hyperactive ones that arrived just two weeks ago.

I have had the pleasure of observing this summer camp at Cirque Verdun for the past two weeks. If there is one thing I don't know too much about yet its circus education for kids. Oh yes, I've taught dance, acting, art, sports, hell I've even taught Hebrew which I don't even know to kids from 4-16, but not circus. Not yet anyways! I decided to begin my trip with this observation to set a precedent for myself, to grasp what circus education can look like.

The first thing you notice about this camp is the communal feel. They go to great lengths to create tradition and fun for the campers. With call and response songs, warm-ups, and a fun filled schedule I often find that I am wishing I was 10 again so I could go to this camp! I want to jump on the trampoline, learn the devil sticks, and walk around on stilts! They split up by age group to learn for the majority of the day, bouncing around to each station: trampoline, tumbling, balance, aerials, dance, juggling, and more. 

While there is so much to say about this school and how it inspires me, how is confirms in my mind that Social Circus really does work, I'll just say one thing. Through interviews with kids, counselors, directors, and founders at this school I have found a true team. A team of people who believe in what they do. A portion of the day is dedicated to human pyramids and making shapes with the other campers. Watching the enthusiastic francophone children learn how to climb up one another sums up why Social Circus is important. They learn to trust their partners and their groups to hold them. They learn to trust themselves to balance. They learn to work in a team, truly supporting one another, all the while improving their own strength and stamina to keep working at this art form. I venture to say that it is powerful to watch the delight on their faces when they accomplish a shape and graduate to the next.

Seemingly to further my complete euphoria with this experience, I notice another studio on the other side of the rink. Studio B. Peeking in I notice some extremely buff men climbing a pole. They seem to just be shooting the shit as they nonchalantly run up the pole with lightning speed and do back flips back to the ground. All like it's easy or something! In another corner of the studio there is a woman working on a trapeze, pumping out pull up after pull up. In yet another corner there is a man holding a woman's hand above his head as she does a one armed hand stand (hand to hand as it is called.) My eyes finally falls on the label and I realize suddenly I am watch MY FAVORITE CIRCUS COMPANY REHEARSE. Les 7 doigts de la main circus is known for its spunk, collaborative genius, theatrical portrayal of intriguing characters, and unique shows. PSY their hit show on mental illness is particularly interesting to me. I am taken back by how their shows always have a message and always inspire the audience to take action. Here is a video of them so you can get a taste of what I got to watch! Many of the people from this video we're rehearsing at times I watched.

I find it interesting that the Cirque Verdun School and The 7 Fingers circus are housed in one building. How beautiful to see with your own eyes just how far a child can go in circus if she or he puts their mind to it. What a little Social Circus can do!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cirque Du Monde!

11 days in, and I find myself back at Cirque Du Soleil's headquarters. I selected Montreal as my starting point because of Cirque (as it is called for short.) As the story goes Guy Laliberte selected the location of the headquarters in a rundown part of town in order to revitalize the area. Also housed in the same neighborhood is TOHU- The City of Circus Arts (making circus accessible to the community), and the National Circus School, one of the best professional contemporary circus schools in the world today.

The building is without a doubt beautiful and houses everything Cirque Du Soleil. This means that not only are the financial, HR, marketing, corporate-type offices here, but also everything on the creative side. From shoe manufacturers, to screen printers, to cloth dyers, to wig makers, to the library, to make-up studios, to rehearsal space, to artist and crew lodging, it is all here. In addition, there are two cafeterias with gourmet food. Naturally the gardens surrounding the complex supply the veggies. I am completely thrown off by their efforts at becoming a sustainable unit, as such a successful company. They even make the wigs by HAND, strand by strand!

I am taken on a tour of the complex where I pass dozens of model heads. I learn that up until 2008 every artist performing in one of the 22 shows around the world has a model head (now it is done virtually with a computer.) This is so that they can make the masks, hats and more without flying them back to the headquarters. I also learn that every artists does their own make-up for every show. They learn every stroke of the design right here at headquarters before being sent off to their show. It takes up to 3 hours for each artist to finish before each show. The fabulous painted faces of Cirque Du Soleil is one of the aspects that makes the shows special. Every three months all costumes are replaced for each show- every single costume is made here.

They make an effort to make everything- including their food- from scratch. But I shouldn't have been too surprised. After all this is the company that started Cirque Du Monde. They are at the forefront of Social Circus. It was my pleasure to interview and spend 2 whole days with the people at the top of Cirque Du Monde. I met with Lino, Margarita, Sonia, and Anik, all of whom help organize projects around the world. Cirque Du Monde, by  nature very modest about what they do, does not claim to be the first or the last Social Circus organization, but it does claim that their brand of Social Circus works.

I am particularly taken with one aspect of their organization. They don't come in and set up projects around the world. They are very against setting up a project and then leaving it. Thus they partner with local non-profits, both circus and social ones, and supply circus trainers and/or circus training to local instructors. They then check carefully in on these projects around the world. Currently they serve over 80 communities around the world. In addition they hold social circus instructor trainings. I am inspired by their dedication to the work they do.

I have come to Montreal first for this experience. To immerse myself in what Social Circus looks like at its best and also most corporate. Cirque Du Monde has managed to legitimize social circus around the world in its near 16 year existence. With about 50 employees worldwide Cirque Du Monde sends a message that Social Circus can be done effectively and well. 

Oh and did I mention that I god to watch some rehearsal. Bafflingly beautiful performers which such intense strength it is frightening. I need to speed up my own training!
Throughout my trip I will be visiting Cirque Du Monde sites. I was able to confirm my participation in some of the sites specifically in Brazil during my meetings. Time to brush my my Portuguese...more like learn it...

I know this was a long post and read slightly like a book report, but I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT SOCIAL CIRCUS! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

And I'm Off!

One full day of bus rides later and my Watson has begun. Hard to believe that as I stood there at the bus station in Northampton with my parents this would be the last time my feet touched American soil in 12 whole months. What am I doing!? The whole prospect of this trip still hasn't dawned on me, nor do I completely understand the point yet. But such is life. All I know is that I am headed in uncharted territory for me: adventure without restraint. With unsure footing, I am getting more and more excited as time goes on!

As a compulsive over packer, I shocked both myself and the people helping me pack when I fill up one backpack and am set! I was almost convinced to take Claire along instead of my clothes, but ultimately decided that would be irresponsible (she told me I had to post this picture. So here is my test run of uploading pictures.) I will be bringing this large backpack and my trapeze bag with me this year, and hopefully that will be it. I want to be as mobile and as flexible as possible throughout the next twelve months. What this means is that I definitely won't be looking that nice for 12 months! I will be wearing the same thing everyday pretty much. My uniform? Black dance pants and a black patagonia tank top. Very unassuming. But however light I planned to pack on this first leg of the trip, I decided to bring a GIANT suitcase with all of my food needs for the 6 weeks in Montreal (aside for produce that is) so I could save money. 

I get to Montreal 6 days ago and upon arrival I begin to notice that my bags are extremely heavy. Trying to make my way through the metro system and find my way to where I am staying seems an impossible task to do alone. I am drenched in sweat and somehow still in a good mood two hours later when I stumble into Bobby Lee's house, the captain of the ultimate team I will be playing on for the next two weeks. This is probably because I got approximately 1 hour of sleep the night before. I was running around in a frenzy making sure everything was set for my departure until the wee hours of the morning, and when I finally did collapse into bed my mind was still racing with guesses as to what this year would bring. 

While I did carefully plan my first two weeks in Montreal, the rest is just about getting my footing and figuring out what makes sense. For the first two weeks of my Watson Fellowship I will be observing at a circus school to build a base of what circus education looks like, spending time at Cirque Du Soleil and Cirque Du Monde, taking flying trapeze, and playing in two Frisbee tournaments to keep my sanity. I know where I am living for the first 5 days and that is all. I will be moving to a Youth Hostel after and will then begin praying for the housing angel to introduce me to someone who has an extra room for free! Who knew it would be so expensive being homeless? Youth Hostels cost about 30 bucks a night. Sort of annoying when all I need is a place to sleep.

Which brings me to the real point of this post:
I just want to thank all of you- friends, family, professors, mentors- who have been there for me in the past 22, almost 23 years. Thank you! Stepping onto the bus bound for Montreal and for a year full of uncertainty and excitement, all I could think about was the people who have helped me get to this point. Whether teaching me to throw a Frisbee or do a pirouette, editing my papers, mentoring me through the Watson process, or just being a friend, I am forever indebted to all of you. Heading away I realize that what I haven't had recently is a lot of time- time for reflection, time for quiet moments, time to just relax, time to fully tell all of you how much you mean to me. This Watson gives me the gift of time. Since I graduated high school my life has been a whirlwind- Israel, CC, creative projects that seem to take over my life, Frisbee, theses, graduation, the Watson process, and so many more things in between.

Anyone who has spent any time around me knows that I love to do things. I am always doing a million activities and have always had a crazy schedule. This next step for me is to discover how to live a more flexible and spontaneous lifestyle. My goal for this year is to discover who I am and what Social Circus is without the confines of a rigid schedule. Old habits die hard, so we'll see how I do! But thank you all very much for supporting me, believing in me, and loving me. I support, believe and love you all.

Feel free to follow this blog as much or as little as you like in the coming year. I also would LOVE to hear from you all throughout the year. Email me anytime! I will be in and out of email contact, but I promise to respond. Best of luck. So long until August 2012.

My slogan from my trip to Israel still stands: Off I go. The Windows of My Soul I Throw Open To The Sun!