Watson Fellowship

What is a Watson Fellowship?

As best as I can describe it is as follows. A Watson Fellowship is an exercise in solo and independent living. Torn between feeling lonely and excited about adventuring, I am still figuring it out at this point.  I actually have a feeling I'm going to be figuring it until next August when my trip ends! What I do know thus far is that the Watson is a gift of time, a year to figure it out and I am up to the challenge!

The Watson Philosophy is as follows:
To remove oneself from the comfort and stability of Home, exploring the World selectively in focused pursuit of one's Passion, and discovering along the way one's potential for humane and effective participation in the world community. The Watson journey is a "solo" experience, to be lived independently but shared broadly with those who cross your path.

If you want to find out more about the Watson Fellowship check out the following link:

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